Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kasturi Thilakam

Vandey Vaasudevam

kasturi tilakam lalaata palake
vakshasthale kaustubham
nasaagre navamouktikam
karatale venum kare kankanam
sarvaange harichandanam cha kalayam
kanthe cha muktaavali
gopastree pariveshtitho
vijayate gopaala choodamanee
vijayate gopaala choodamanee

Meaning of this slokam:
Oh Sri Krishna ! You have been decorated with Kasturi Tilakam, a beautiful Namam on the smooth forehead;
You have an ornament of Kausthubham on your Vakshasthalam, the seat of Sri Maha Lakshmi (on the chest);
On the nose, You have nava mouktikam, another ornament;
On your fingertips, You have a Flute; You also have a Bracelet on Your wrist;
Your entire body is bedecked with sandawood paste giving out fragrance;
Your neck too is surrounded by another ornament;
You are the giver of Mukti (salvation) to the lady-cowherds who went rounds and rounds around You;
Oh that Lord, Victory to You -The Ornament to the ornaments of cowherd (meaning, the commonest of the common man too has his wealth in Him) !


Madhurashtakam by Vallabhacharya

Adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram
Nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram
Hridayam madhuram gamanam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (1)

His lips are a delight, His body is a delight, His eye is a delight, His smile is a delight, His chest is a delight, His walking style is a delight; everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||1||

Vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram
Vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram
Chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (2)

His speech is a delight, His acts are a delight, His clothes are a delight, His curves are a delight, His moving is a delight, His roaming is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||2||

Venoor madhuro renur madhurah
Panir madhurah paadau madhurah
Nrityam madhuram sakhyam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (3)

His flute is a delight, His flowers (that He wears on ears or as garlands) are a delight, His palms are a delight, His feet are a delight, His dance is a delight, His friendship is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||3||

Geetam madhuram peetam madhuram
Bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram
Rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (4)

His songs are a delight, His yellow robes are a delight, His eating is a delight, His sleeping is a delight, His beauty is a delight, His mark-of-forehead is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||4||

Karanam madhuram taranam madhuram
Haranam madhuram smaranam madhuram
Vamitam madhuram samitam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (5)

His deeds are a delight, His floating (in water) is a delight, His taking away is a delight; His romantic charms are a delight, His words are a delight, His peaceful state is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||5||

Gunjaa madhura maala madhura
Yamuna madhura veechee madhura
Salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (6)

His humming is a delight, His garland is a delight, His accompaniment Yamuna is a delight, His waves (generated by Him when entering the river) is a delight, His water (clinging on His body) is a delight, His lotus is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||6||

Gopi madhura leela madhura
Yuktam madhuram bhuktam madhuram
Drishtam madhuram sistam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (7)

His cow-herd girls are a delight, His sport is a delight, His togetherness is a delight, His free nature is a delight, His glance is a delight, His obedience is a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||7||

Gopaa madhuraa gaavo madhuraa
Yashtir madhura srishtir madhura
Dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram (8)

His friends (Gopaa) are a delight, His cows are a delight, His cow-guiding-stick is a delight, His created universe is a delight, His exploits over demons are a delight, the fruit thence obtained are a delight; Everything about the ruler of delight is delightful.||8||